Tips for Conquering Multiple-Choice Tests

Tips for Conquering Multiple-Choice Tests

Multiple choice questions are used in numerous standardized tests, including the SAT, the ACT, HSPT, PSAT, ISEE, SSAT, MAP, and many others. And so are a good number of the exams taken in middle school, high school, and college. If you know how to approach tests with multiple choice questions in the right way, you will be well on your way to getting better marks.

It is important that you know how to approach these questions because they are a very common type of test question on several different types of exams. These types of questions can be tricky if you do not know how to approach them in the right way because they require more than just regurgitating what you have read or heard about a topic or subject. You need to be able to analyze and interpret information given to you within those questions so that you can come up with an answer based on what has been given to you rather than simply guessing or selecting one answer out of five choices just because it sounds right or familiar.

That’s why preparing for a multiple-choice test is so important: if you know what kinds of answers might be on a test before taking it, then you’ll be able to focus more on what matters instead of worrying about what doesn’t matter at all!

Here are 10 tips for conquering multiple-choice tests:

1. Read Your Options Carefully

What words should you watch out for when reading a question? The first thing to remember is that “always” and “never” are not always what they seem. These words can be tricky in a question because they don’t always mean what you think they mean. For example, when it says that something will never change, does that mean that it will never change ever? Or does it just mean that it won’t change right now?

2. Eliminate the Obvious

Look at each answer choice and ask yourself whether it could possibly be correct. If not, eliminate it immediately. If you have to put the answers in order from most to least correct, you’re doing it wrong. Even if you’re not sure which one is right, don’t pick it just because you like it more than the others. The only thing that matters is what’s on the test—not what YOU think would be fair or reasonable or even possible.

3. Get a Clue from the Question

When you’re trying to figure out an answer to a question, it’s important to remember that you’re always going to have more than one choice. So, don’t be afraid to try out different combinations of answers—you’ll probably find that the one that works best for you is the one that includes a strategy from the information given in the question (and where).

4. Check the Keywords

It is essential that you put emphasis on these words: “not” and “always,” because these words can alter the meaning of a question and, as a result, the answer. Make sure you do not overlook these important phrases by highlighting them for yourself.

5. Answer In Your Mind First

If the question is not too long, or if the answer is just a number or a single word, you should give it a shot at being answered in your head first. In this manner, none of the answer questions will be able to throw you off. For the purpose of providing an answer to the question “What is an adolescent?” for instance, you might want to first consider the definition before looking at the various options for an answer.

6. Is it All or None?

Be aware of the situations in which you should select “None of the above” or “All of the above.” If you are confident that at least one of the answer choices is correct, you should avoid selecting “None of the above,” and if you are confident that all of the answer choices are correct, you should avoid selecting “All of the above.” On the other hand, if you are aware that at least two of the other three to four choices are accurate, then the answer “All of the above” could be an appropriate response.

 7. Instinct Might be Right

Research has shown that following one’s first instinct is, most of the time, the best course of action. Nevertheless, if you do remember something that leads you to conclude that your initial response was incorrect, you should adjust it.

8. Leave What You Don’t Know

You can skip over questions you do not know the answer to and come back to them later. When there are multiple-choice questions on an exam, each one typically counts for the same number of points. As a result of this, devoting additional time to certain questions might not improve your overall grade very much.

9. Remember Related Information

If you can not remember the answer to the question itself, try to remember the information that is relevant to it. For instance, if you find that you are unable to recall the response to the question “What is the largest planet?” You might want to consider the smallest planet, as it is the one that is the least complicated to keep in your head. You can think of other planets in the solar system.

10. The Power of Intelligent Guessing

If you truly do not know the answer, then at least make an educated guess! The vast majority of standardized tests, such as the SAT and the ACT, do not include any sort of penalty for guessing.

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