Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Does Groza Learning Center offer online tutoring?
Yes, Groza Learning Center uses a live, interactive and collaborative virtual program that allows our students and instructors to engage and fully participate in their online sessions, just as they would in person.
2. Does Groza Learning Center offer in-home tutoring or is it only online and center based?
Groza Learning Center offers all session types that fit our family’s needs. In - home, Online, In-Center and more.
3. What kinds of tutoring programs does Groza Learning Center offer?
Groza covers all tutoring needs, from PreK- college subject tutoring, Early Development, Executive Functioning, Academic Management, Reading and Writing, Credit Recovery, Test Prep, Homeschool, and so much more. If you need tutoring of any kind, Groza is here for you!
4. I want my child to have individual attention from a tutor — can Groza Learning Center tutors provide that?
Groza Learning Center provides individualized one-on-one tutoring for all of our programs, ensuring that your student receives the attention they deserve!
5. Does Groza Learning Center work with my child's teacher or school?
Groza Learning Center believes teamwork makes the dreamwork. We regularly work with our students’ teachers and school personnel to make sure our students are thriving! Raising a child takes a village.
6. How often does my child need to attend?
Every student has different needs, and each of our programs are unique and individualized for your child.
7. How long does my child need to attend?
Every student has different needs, and each of our programs are individualized. We will build a custom learning plan for your child that will help them reach their academic goals.
8. How do I make an appointment?
We would be happy to schedule a session for your student, please connect with us via chat, email or give us a call and we can schedule you as soon as today!
9. How does a tutor explain the material?
Every student learns differently so we will begin with a learning style assessment to make sure we teach your student exactly how they learn best. We will carefully monitor and optimize their Learning Plan as they advance, giving special attention to their unique learning styles, how to effectively engage and inspire them, and what their individual progress suggests moving forward.
10. How long is a tutoring session?
A single session is 50 minutes, however we can customize all sessions to fit your student’s needs.
11. Does the Center offer placement testing or test proctoring services?
Groza Learning Center offers proctoring services 7 days a week. We also cater to a wide range of placement tests, please reach out and we are happy to get you started.
12. Who are the tutors? What are their credentials?
All of our education specialists are experts in their fields. Our staff range from credentialed teachers, tutors with over 10 years experience, Masters in their discipline and more. Check out our specialists on our About Us page.
13. Can I work with the same tutor every time? Can I change tutors if one isn’t a good fit for me?
Groza Learning Center will always personality match out students with their tutors. When a student books sessions, they will always be scheduled with “their” tutor so we can provide consistency in their program. Groza will always cater to our students’ needs, if a tutor is not a good fit, we will adjust until they find their perfect match.
14. I need to study for a standardized text (such as the GED, SAT, ACT, ISEE, SSAT, HSPT, BYU, etc.).
Can a tutor help me prep for the test?
Groza Learning Center has been helping students with their test prep for over 18years. We would be happy to assist your student prepare for their upcoming exam. Please reach out so that we can schedule a practice test for your student.
15. Where are you located?
Groza Learning Center headquarter is located in beautiful Pacific Palisades, we cater to students all over the world and are happy to send tutors to your home or meet with your student online if in-center sessions are not a good option for you.
16. What are your hours?
Groza Learning Center is open 7 days a week from 9:00am to 10:00pm for all of your tutoring needs. If you need to reach our front office, staff are standing by to assist you 7 days a week from 9:00am to 5:00pm.
17. Can you proctor an exam from Laurel Spring, BYU, etc.)
Yes, Groza Learning Center is a proud proctor for many education partners.
18. Do you tutor reading/writing?
Yes, Groza Learning Center has outstanding curriculum to teach your child reading and writing, as well as, experienced specialist to help your student excel in these subjects.
19. Do you have tutors who work with students with accommodations/learning disabilities?
Groza Learning Center is proud to work with all students from gifted, students with learning differences, smart, but struggling students.
20. Do you have a homeschool program?
A K-12 fully accredited private schooling that ensures that your child's hard work is recognized and that meets your child's individual academic needs. We’d love to speak with you to give you more information.

Homeschool FAQ

What is the meaning of an accredited program or school?
An accredited program or school means that the school has been approved by a recognized accrediting agency. Groza Academy’s Homeschool program is fully accredited private school that ensures your child’s work is recognized and meets his/her/their individual academic needs.
How do homeschool students get into college?
Homeschoolers do NOT need a GED or diploma to apply to college. You just have to declare that their homeschool education meets state laws.
How to Choose the Best Homeschooling Curriculum?
In order to choose the best homeschooling curriculum, below are some points to keep in mind:
– Determine what kind of learners you are teaching
– Know your child’s learning style and their learning struggles. If you are not sure, check out our online learning assessment test to see what ways your child learns best.
How do we teach a child with learning differences?
Develop their strengths.
Each child is different and the way we learn and understand the world around us is very different. Homeschool parents and 1:1 private homeschooling have the rare opportunity to help their students discover and their develop their learning superpowers. Children who are passionate about dance and robotics can learn their core subjects using dance and robotics as their core focus. Imagine building a dancing robot that you need to program using math, reading and following directions, then writitng a story about this dancing robot. Who knew learning could be so much fun?!

Compensate for weaknesses
Children that have learning disabilities such as dyslexia may have a hard time with reading. Building unique lessons to compensate for the weakness in a form of using sight words instead of phonics is the flexibility of a strong homeschool program.

Use multi-sensory techniques and have fun
Learning should be fun and engaging. Hands-on activities are always a great way to make learning fun. Creating a volcano that bursts colorful lava is not only a hands-on learning activity, but also one of Science class favorites. Singing sight words, sand paper letters, shaving cream writting, finger paint fun, and words writing in colorful salt are just a few things that make Language Arts and Math class so much fun.

What is the meaning of an accredited program or school?

An accredited program or school means that the school has been approved by a recognized accrediting agency. Groza Academy’s Homeschool program is fully accredited private school that ensures your child’s work is recognized and meets his/her/their individual academic needs.

How do homeschool students get into college?

Homeschoolers do NOT need a GED or diploma to apply to college. You just have to declare that their homeschool education meets state laws.

How to Choose the Best Homeschooling Curriculum?

In order to choose the best homeschooling curriculum, below are some points to keep in mind: 

– Determine what kind of learners you are teaching

– Know your child’s learning style and their learning struggles.  If you are not sure, check out our online learning assessment test to see what ways your child learns best

How do we teach a child with learning differences?

Develop their strengths.

Each child is different and the way we learn and understand the world around us is very different. Homeschool parents and 1:1 private homeschooling have the rare opportunity to help their students discover and their develop their learning superpowers. Children who are passionate about dance and robotics can learn their core subjects using dance and robotics as their core focus. Imagine building a dancing robot that you need to program using math, reading and following directions, then writitng a story about this dancing robot. Who knew learning could be so much fun?!

Compensate for weaknesses

Children that have learning disabilities such as dyslexia may have a hard time with reading. Building unique lessons to compensate for the weakness in a form of using sight words instead of phonics is the flexibility of a strong homeschool program. 

Use multi-sensory techniques and have fun

Learning should be fun and engaging. Hands-on activities are always a great way to make learning fun. Creating a volcano that bursts colorful lava is not only a hands-on learning activity, but also one of Science class favorites.  Singing sight words, sand paper letters, shaving cream writting, finger paint fun, and words writing in colorful salt are just a few things that make Language Arts and Math class so much fun.