What Can Parents Do to Help Students Get the Most Out of Every Tutoring Session?
It is already widely understood that parental involvement plays a substantial role in educational achievement, but determining the ideal level of involvement can be quite complicated. Fortunately for parents who wish to see their children get the most out of each tutoring session, a few simple strategies can make all the difference in fostering a positive learning environment at home.
The strategies that follow not only ensure that students achieve their educational goals and objectives through tutoring, but they also help students better understand the significance of the investment in education made by their parents — not to mention the importance of working cooperatively to maximize the return on that educational investment.
Develop a Supportive Partnership
It is important for students and parents to feel as though they are working together toward a mutually beneficial goal. Parents can foster this kind of supportive partnership by communicating with their child’s teachers and tutors to determine the ideal methods for reinforcing the subject matter at home. With everyone in agreement and on the same page, the home learning environment is far more likely to be consistently productive.
Of course, parents are always excellent sources of emotional support as well. Every student will encounter difficult concepts and will endure struggles at one point or another, and parents should make every effort to explain that the extra assistance offered through tutoring is something that benefits all students.
Set an Example and Hold Each Other Accountable
Acquiring a new skill or mastering an unfamiliar concept is difficult for everyone. Working alongside others as they try to master a new concept helps in revealing the normalcy of this struggle, so it is helpful for parents to demonstrate how enduring education-related struggles is always worthwhile.
Mastering a new math concept, for example, will serve as tangible evidence that there is a sizable payoff associated with overcoming any initial challenge. Students who observe their parents making an attempt to learn something new feel that their struggles are better understood, making it much easier for both parent and student to hold each other accountable in achieving their respective learning goals.
Set Realistic Goals and Objectives for Learning
Education requires a substantial investment of time and effort, and setting unreasonable timelines or performance goals only has a detrimental effect on the process. With the help of a tutor, parents and students should work together to determine a set of ideal goals and objectives that are both challenging and achievable. With appropriate expectations in place, students and parents will enjoy a home-learning environment far more likely to lead to significant learning gains yielding long-term benefits to academic performance.