Avoid Summer Learning Loss

Send your child to Groza's Bridge Academy

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Keep your child thinking sharp all summer long. So they aren't playing catch up when September comes.

Learning Loss

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Carefree summer days are dreamy, but they can also whisk away your child's learning.

During summer vacation your child can lose:

Groza's Bridge Academy can give your child an academic edge without taking the fun out of their summer vacation.

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They'll Be Engaged With Fun Meaningful Lessons

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They'll Stretch Their Abilities With New Challenges

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They'll Further Develop Their Talents And Skills

“Groza has been a saving grace. Their expert tutors/teachers were able to gauge if my children had fallen behind with their age/grade academic assessments. We were given a very detailed assessment and impressive plan to get our kids back on track.”

Jessica G.

This summer your child can Bridge Their Learning Gap with 1:1 help. The following is available for PreK-12

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Kinder Prep Program
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Reading Intervention
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Reading Comprehension
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Writing Skills
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Study Skills
Canva Child Using Laptop 1
foreign language 1
Foreign Languages

“My children loved their classes with Groza so much that I’m continuing. I’ve never seen them so excited to learn and the structure is perfect. I have peace knowing that my kids are not falling behind.”

Los Angeles, CA parent

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Groza Is So Fun They'll Forget They're Learning

Ready To Get Started?

Choosing Groza For Summer Learning Is Easy.

Schedule a consultation.
Your child will get an individualized learning plan for the summer.
You watch your child enjoy learning while excelling.

Learning Is All About Keeping Up Momentum

Don’t let your child fall behind this summer.
Help them to stay ahead with Groza’s Bridge Academy.